Steam Power Generation stations

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Steam Power Generation stations are converted to power (Energy Converter) 

The use of these stations are different types of fuel available by species 
Such as coal or liquid petroleum or natural gas or industrial. 

Characterized by its large size steam stations and cheap costs for the enormous potential is also characterized by the possibility of their use for desalination of saline water, which makes them especially bilateral production 
  In the country, with less fresh water sources. 
Site Selection of Steam Power Station 

 : Control the selection of suitable sites for thermal generating stations several influential factors, among them
As follows: 

1 - proximity to fuel sources and easily transferred to these sites and provide economic transportation. 
2 - proximity to sources of cooling water because the condenser needs to be large amounts of cooling water. Therefore, these stations are usually built on the shores of the sea or near rivers. 
   3 - Proximity Centers electrical energy consumption to save the costs of establishing transmission lines. Consumption centers are usually cities and residential areas, commercial complexes and industrial

Dependent generating stations steam on the use of the type of available fuel and burned in special furnaces to convert the chemical energy in the fuel into heat energy in the flame resulting from the combustion process and the use of thermal energy to heat water in boilers, especially (BOILERS) and convert it to steam at a temperature and a given pressure and then shed this steam turbines or steam turbines designed for this purpose shall steam rapidly rotate the turbine hub and thus turn the heat energy to mechanical energy on the  axis of the turbine.
Axis connecting the electrical generator directly linked with the axis of the steam turbine electric generator Fedor axis (AL TERNATOR) at the same speed and exploiting the special magnetic roller (ROTOR) and the generator stator (STATOR) of it is generated on both sides of the stator of the generator of electric power required. The drawing shows the serial number analog conversion of energy from the burning fuel until the first production of electric power.
There is no fundamental differences between the steam-generating stations that use different types of fuel, but in terms of the methods of transportation, storage and handling and fuel burning. It was the use of coal common in the late last century and early this century, but the discovery and extraction of oil and its products the latest dramatic change in power plants, thermal where he became used by ninety percent of the ease of transportation and storage and heartburn if more liquid fuel or gas.


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